
Microneedling offers an effective way to restore a youthful glow to your complexion. At Enliven Medical Clinic in Laguna Hills, California, Mozhgan Ashtari, MD, provides this innovative aesthetic treatment with or without platelet-rich plasma to help you achieve the healthiest possible skin. Call the office to learn more about this rejuvenating facial treatment.

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that involves repeatedly puncturing the skin with tiny, sterile needles. Why would we do this to ourselves?  To improve our skin texture.

Good skin texture is soft and smooth and is very closely related to the collagen in your skin.  Microneedling encourages the skin to produce new collagen and remodel old deforming collagen, that is associated with wrinkles, acne scars, scars, large pores and stretch marks.

Although this procedure involves penetrating the skin, it is minimally invasive, and with repeated treatments it produces great results. While not as effective as laser treatments, it is less expensive. Many people, particularly the younger, prefer to start with this method to improve the texture of their skin, reducing acne scars and/or pore size.

An additional benefit to micro-needling is the ability to open the skin for the reception of vitamin rich ointments or PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) for improved skin health and healing.

Face Skin Care. Facial Hydro Microdermabrasion Peeling Treatment


Skin rejuvenation with microneedling is a great procedure. However, the results can be greatly improved with Platelet Rich Plasma or Growth Factors. Microneedling alone increases the skin’s new collagen and remodels old deforming collagen which is found in scars and wrinkles. Old frayed deforming collagen is associated with wrinkles, acne scars, scars, large pores and stretch marks. Microneedling makes facial skin look youthfully thicker and reduces signs of aging, i.e. wrinkles, large pores, skin laxity and facial scarring from acne.

The use of Growth Factors and Platelet Rich Plasma with Micro-Needling improves the results of microneedling. The reason is this; growth factors are important for new cell generation and cellular functions, such as creating new collagen and elastic fibers. Growth factors come in many different varieties and are extremely abundant in our platelets. (These are the small cellular particles in our blood that stop up small blood vessels when we get cut.) Each platelet has 3 different granule types which are released when they are activated. These 3 granules have a wide assortment of growth factors and factors that attract stem cells to the area. (You could write a book about these fascinating little platelets.)

Microneedling will create access for platelets to enter the skin (usually 30 cc of your blood is draw and processed to get 3 to 4 cc of platelet rich plasma). The platelet growth factors nor any other growth factors would be of no benefit if just rubbed on the skin. Once the platelets are deep in the skin their granules are activated and wonderful things start to happen.

As your skin is healing, although this procedure has minimal downtime, the growth factors in a higher concentration that would normally be found induce extra collagen, new cells and increased normal vascularity of the skin. This has a profound effect on the look of our skin.

Typically, a series of 4 microneedling sessions are performed and Platelet Rich Plasma or a single growth factor can be used. (A growth factor is commercial available if you are squeamish about giving blood.) Each is performed every two to three weeks. Remember the downtime is really small. Most people are using make-up by the second day. By stacking these needling in a series of every 2-3 weeks there is an additive effect in collagen production and collagen contraction. Usually 8 to 12 weeks after the series is complete the results is seen.  I recommend performing a single maintenance needling every 4 to 5 month. It is best to perform microneedling at least 2 weeks after you have had a Botox treatment. I feel this enhances the healing of wrinkle lines. The constant movement of the muscles that cause the wrinkles will only impede new collagen production and remodeling deposition in these areas.

Microneedling Q & A

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a skin rejuvenation technique that uses a device equipped with tiny needles to poke microscopic holes in the surface of your skin. These holes aren’t visible to the eye, but they stimulate your body’s wound-healing responses. 

Healing factors rush to the area and boost your skin’s health while the microneedling also promotes collagen development to create a smoother, tauter complexion. Collagen is a protein in your skin that provides strength and resiliency.

Following microneedling, your skin is temporarily more receptive to topical applications of serums and moisturizers as well as platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Which combination of these products is right for your skin depends on your aesthetic goals and needs.

What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma is derived from your own blood. Following a conventional blood draw, your sample is spun down in a centrifuge to concentrate the platelet count. Platelets contain immense healing factors that promote tissue regeneration and health. When the PRP is applied to areas that need healing, it can be highly effective in promoting new, healthy tissue.

What is microneedling with PRP?

After a microneedling session that creates the microtears in your skin, your platelet-rich plasma is applied to your skin. The tiny channels make your skin especially receptive to receiving this healing compound. Because it comes from your own blood, your body won’t reject or react negatively to the PRP.

What are the benefits of microneedling with PRP?

The benefits of combining microneedling and PRP include:

  • Reduced appearance of lines and wrinkles
  • Improved appearance of acne scars and stretch marks
  • More even skin pigmentation
  • Improved skin tone and texture

PRP works to help your body regenerate new, healthier cells to replace older, damaged ones.

When will I notice the results of microneedling treatments?

Many people notice a significant improvement in their skin’s appearance after a PRP facial. Over the course of three months, though, you see optimal results. With good skin care practices, the positive effects of your microneedling treatment can last up to a year or longer.

To learn more about how microneedling and PRP can revolutionize your look, call Enliven Medical Clinic or book an appointment online.